Your Skin Through The Ages

Your Skin Through The Ages

1. make or become different

The magic to be seen in change is the dance between ones will and ones fate–a very special dance indeed~

They say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” Andy warhol

Skin Isn’t Static Either, In Fact it is Ever Changing
As your body’s largest organ, it is a curious blend of strength and delicacy, both a fortified barrier and one of the first areas to show damage. It is very effected by ones DNA (fate) but it also reflects a person’s choices (will)…

Oily or dry, blemish-prone or dewy and clear, skin is constantly changing as you age, and what constitutes good skin care for you at 20 will be different at 50.

Your Skin in Your 20’s

Find Out Your Skin Type!
This will help you navigate the many thousands of products out there so that you can choose correctly

Dry Skin Characteristics
Normal Skin Characteristics
Combination Skin Characteristics
Oily Skin Characteristics

Want to Look Younger 10 Years From Now?

The best thing to help look younger 10 years from now is to use SPF 30 in your daily routine on your face and back of your hands.

Your Skin In Your 30’s

Lifestyle health becomes an important goal and helps skin to look healthy and fresh

An organic eye cream with peptides and antioxidants can become helpful now. Our favorite is from Hylunia with 8 of the correct firming peptides.

A good exfoliating and protective Facial will help skin to look amazing and refreshed.

Pimples might keep coming. Find a good Esthetician or Dermatologist. Some Dermatologists now employ Estheticians on staff.

Your Skin In Your 40’s

A daily use antioxidant serum or retinol product will be worth the investment to help keep the skin looking bright.

Stronger treatments like micrdermabrasion, glycolic or lactic acid peels added into your facial can be worth it to help restore sun damage and fine lines.

Hands may start to change. A daily sunscreen on the back of the hands and a nightly organic rich body hand cream will help keep sun spots at bay. Try our Ageless Hands Glycolic Treatment

Yes you are sexy, and you know it!!

Your Skin In Your 50’s

A beautiful happy smile not only lifts our faces but the spirits of those around us. Healthy white teeth are a must to go along with it.

We loose oil glands as we age and so many will do well with an added rich day and night time moisturizer. If you are in your 50’s and are still acne prone it can be very challenging to find rich products that will not break you out. This one is one of our top favorites- Ultra Lite Oil Free Moisturizer, from Peter Thomas Roth.

Stay hydrated! Female physiology shifts with changes in estrogen and progesterone levels, and those fluctuations have an impact on our ability to hydrate which shows up on the skin. Woman more easily become dehydrated than men.

Your Skin In Your 60’s

The skin can become thinner for most at this age so you want to avoid over exfoliating with very strong peels and microdermabrasion. More emphasis should be on plumping the skin.

Try rich creams containing retinyl propionate or retinol which vitamin A derivatives. These will literally thicken the skin.

After every hot bath or shower apply a body oil for all over moisture and hydrated skin.

Your 70’s and Up

You’ve Certainly Got This and You Rock and You Know It!!

Annual visits to your Dermatologist for screenings are a must.

Know body can see up close at this age so invest in your monthly facial hair waxing, anti-oxidant rich facial, mani & pedi, body massage and MORE.

A little botox never hurt anybody…..wink;)

The new salon is almost complete- We’re waiting on our reception area yellow couch delivery and just a couple more things! Can’t wait to see you there!!

Don’t forget you can now bookOn Line!